
十 3, 2018
由: Ariel Zhang
冻干水果可直接搅拌成多种烘焙食品的配方,包括饼干、松饼、蛋糕。冻干水果不含有多余的水分,不会改变烘焙食品的稠度。新鲜草莓会减少巧克力饼干的酥脆,但使用冻干草莓就可以制作出 草莓味酥脆巧克力饼干 。 制作糕点时可以使用完整的冻干水果,或者可以分解成小块。冻干水果碎是松饼和蛋糕配方的不错选择,但将其粉碎成粉末是制作糕点的更好选择。 可以将水果放在一个拉链袋中,然后用擀面杖将其压碎,直至变成粉末,如果需要大量制作,也可以放入打碎机中粉碎。粉末状的冻干水果可以丰富食品的颜色和风味。    


九 21, 2018
由: Ariel Zhang
水果冻干不仅仅是脱水的水果。 将成熟的水果冷冻,然后放入真空室中,其中大部分水份已经结冰,或直接转变为蒸汽而没有经过液体状态。然后将水果干燥以确保其中没有水份残留。该过程保留了水果的颜色并保留了大部分营养成分,并为产品创造了极长的保质期(只要它们在冷冻干燥后不受空气影响)。 一旦冷冻干燥,水果可以通过加水再次水化,或直接以其干燥状态食用。再水化的冻干水果不比新鲜水果的质地,但它也不会像已解冻的冷冻水果一样潮湿。    

Good For All

五 7, 2018
由: Mai Watson
As committed pet parents we want what is best for our pets as they’re part of our family. I can say my beloved pets challenge me lot less than any one person ever had.  Pets provide us with unfiltered, unconditional love, and in turn we should commit to nurturing and caring for that kind love and loyalty.   We do our best to offer them the best food possible,...


三 22, 2018
由: Mai Watson
My personal anecdotal experience with Collagen started rather innocuously enough.  For years I’ve battled chronic bursitis in my wrists and thumbs (negative impact from my work) and as I aged it crept up to my elbows, all the sudden I had tennis thumbs and golfer’s elbows, considering I haven’t played tennis in decades and I play Golf once a year, it seems rather ironic....